Sunday, July 19, 2015


Bradburymedia has been a little quiet of late, for which I apologise... but if you are feeling deprived of news and insights on all things Bradbury, please make sure you visit the Center for Ray Bradbury Studies on Facebook.

I maintain the Facebook page in my role as "Senior Advisor" - and tend to make short quick posts there several times a week. Often it will be for posting links I have found to other resources, the kind of thing that isn't quite substantial enough to warrant a full blog post. Recent posts include details on August events to celebrate what would have been Ray's 95 birthday, and an obituary for the sculptor who created Disney's animatronic Abe Lincoln (the inspiration for Ray's short story "Downwind from Gettysburg").

And for those of you who avoid/despise/detest/don't understand Facebook, I should point out that the page is public. You don't need a Facebook account to view it. (But if you are a Facebook user, we would welcome a "like" from you, if you haven't already "liked" us.)

Join us here:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Center-for-Ray-Bradbury-Studies/766546360037269