Friday, September 23, 2022

New Podcast Episode - Zen in the Art of Writing

 Time for another new episode of my audio podcast, Bradbury 100.

This time I explore Ray's essay collection Zen in the Art of Writing. This gathers together his thoughts on the writing process - including his belief in allowing the unconscious mind to play the leading part in generating stories - with his recollections of writing his most famous works.

I'm joined via Zoom by Kim and Renee, whose wonderful Words to Write By podcast is putting all those how-to-write books to the test. They recently went chapter by chapter through Zen in the Art of Writing, and found much to admire in Ray's advice to writers.

I hit a couple of snags with the audio when putting this episode together, so I apologise for some variation in the sound quality.

Have you ever tried following Ray Bradbury's writing advice? If so, how did it go? Post a comment below to let me know!

Please subscribe to the Bradbury 100 podcast - it's totally free on all platforms. Where to find it:
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Thursday, September 22, 2022

Here We Go Again: The Halloween Tree Film Announced

 So there has been an announcement of a new Hollywood production of Ray Bradbury's The Halloween Tree

My response:

1. I'll believe it when I see it.
2. Most announced Hollywood projects in development simply do not happen.***
3. At least this screenwriter is someone with a decent reputation.
4. Whether good or bad, the original book and Emmy-winning Hanna Barbera production (1993)will continue to exist.
5. If it turns out to be good, it boosts Ray's popularity and visibility.
6. If it turns out bad, it will be soon forgotten, but the book will still sell.
7. Don't hold your breath.

***We're still waiting for the previously announced Martian Chronicles, and The Illustrated Man, and Something Wicked This Way Comes...

Monday, September 12, 2022

New Bradbury 100 podcast episode: "The Exiles"

Here's another new episode of my Bradbury 100 podcast. It's a short episode, focusing on a single short story - although, as you will discover, it's really two or three different stories...

"The Exiles" started life as "The Mad Wizards of Mars", and you can easily find two or three different versions of the story. All of them are basically the same, but the characters - most of them based on real-life authors - are different between one version and the next.

To find out what the heck I'm talking about, listen to the pod!


Please subscribe to the Bradbury 100 podcast - it's totally free on all platforms. Where to find it:
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