Wednesday, December 21, 2022

New podcast episode: Ray Bradbury and Christmas!

Time for a new Bradbury 100 podcast episode - and because it's (nearly) Christmas, I thought I'd talk about Ray's use of Christmas in his stories and scripts.

The two stories that specifically reference Christmas are "The Gift" and "The Wish" - and there are two pieces of film/TV work which also mention Christmas: the Steve Canyon episode based on "The Gift"; and Ray's unlikely sequel to The Day The Earth Stood Still.

It's become a tradition that, every Christmas, I post the delightful Ren Wickes illustration for "The Gift" which appeared alongside the story when it was first published in Esquire magazine in 1952. So, here it is! (It should be up above - and if you click on it, it should embiggen.)

I hope you enjoy this Christmas episode - it's below, or you can find it using your podcast app. Join me in 2023 for more Bradbury 100 episodes!




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