Sunday, June 25, 2023

Ray Bradbury: New Volume of Letters!

Coming soon from Simon & Schuster publishers...
Ray Bradbury biographer Jonathan R. Eller has edited Remembrance, a selection of Ray's correspondence. It's been several years in the making, in part because (as with all correspondence volumes) it can be a nightmare to get all the necessary permissions. But around November of this year, the book should be available. Amazon (UK) is already taking pre-orders here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Remembrance-Selected-Correspondence-Ray-Bradbury/dp/1668016974

The title of the book alludes to once of Ray's best-loved poems, the one that ends with the haunting lines "I remember you. I remember you."
Here's what the publisher says about the book:
Remembrance offers the first sustained look at his life in letters from his late teens to his ninth decade. Bradbury's correspondence was far-reaching - he interacted with a rich cross section of 20th-century cultural figures, writers, film directors, editors, and others who simply wanted insights or encouragement from a writer who had enriched their lives through his stories and novels.
Bradbury scholar and biographer, Jonathan R. Eller, organized this volume into categories of correspondents, showing Bradbury's progression through life as he knew it, and not necessarily as the public perceived him. Letters to and from mentors and other writers are followed by correspondence with such film directors as John Huston, François Truffaut, and Federico Fellini. Letters with publishers and agents are followed by letters that capture moments of national and international recognition, the shadows of war and intolerance that motivated some of his best writing, and the friends and family members who shared the memories of his life. Among the writers whose letters illuminate Remembrance are Theodore Sturgeon, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Twilight Zone writers Charles Beaumont and Richard Matheson, Dan Chaon, Bernard Berenson, Nobel Laureate Bertrand Russell, Graham Greene, Anaîs Nin, Gore Vidal, Carl Sandburg, and Jessamyn West.
Remembrance illuminates the most elusive aspect of Ray Bradbury's wide-ranging writing passions - the correspondence he sent and received throughout his long life, each letter originally intended for an audience of one.

Monday, June 05, 2023

Follow Me On Facebook

 If you're on Facebook, please make sure you like or follow my Bradbury 100 Podcast page. Not only do I use it for announcements about the podcast, but I have also started doing daily posts about Bradbury. Some of these are news items, but many of them are historical posts.

One thing I'm particularly trying to do over there is note every anniversary of every short story and book. For example, in the last couple of days I've posted about "Luana the Living", "Touched with Fire" and "Tale of the Mangledomvritch"!

Thursday, June 01, 2023

New Bradbury 100 podcast episode: Chronological Bradbury!

With this new episode of my Bradbury 100 podcast, I start a new occasional series: "Chronological Bradbury".

The idea is to work through Ray Bradbury's fiction output in the order of publication, discussing each item as we go.

In this first "Chronological Bradbury", I start right at the beginning, with a discussion of Ray's earliest published works, which appeared in amateur magazines in 1938.

I hope you enjoy the discussion - and do please let me know what you think. You can post a comment down below, or on the Bradbury 100 Podcast Facebook page.

In this episode I mention several useful sources:



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