Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Studies of Bradbury

I'm drafting the introduction to my PhD thesis, and have compiled some bibliographical crib sheets to keep on hand to make sure I don't miss out anything important. I thought this one might be useful to publish here. It's a list of key studies of Ray Bradbury's works.

It's not exhaustive, but it covers all the studies that get mentioned somewhere in my thesis. Even then, I'm bound to have missed something out.

If you want something more pictorial, check my Books About Ray Bradbury page.

1 comment:

351Charlie said...

I've always been curious as to one thing not often discussed concerning Ray Bradbury. I 1st discovered his stories when I was 10 yrs. old (1968) and have read (as far as I know) every story he's written. Also, I seek out his stories done on classic radio, (an excellent source of quality entertainment, by the way) Now, specifically, I want to know if there are some readers of Bradbury who find one or two stories they simply do not like, no matter how much they want to, because it IS Bradbury. I'v nevercared for "451" (perhaps because I saw the film first) Does anyone else have a story of his they just cannot get interested in or dislike? Post 'em here . . . let's find out.
- 351Charlie