A company called Strategicom have contacted me, saying that they are working with Mike McDonough on licensing of
Bradbury 13. It sounds as if moves are afoot - finally - to get this classic piece of radio drama officially re-released.
As I have blogged previously,
Bradbury 13 (most of it, anyway) was once released on cassette, but a CD or official download version has never appeared. I hope this is now about to happen. Watch this space!

Meanwhile, I spotted a new Bradbury documentary DVD on Amazon.
Ray Bradbury: Dancing Among the Muses sounds, from a customer review, a rather cheap affair. However, the
producers' web page for the DVD makes it seem rather more professional. They have a trailer online (which friend Nard also found on YouTube), which includes Ray telling the familiar Mr Electrico tale. This might be worth further investigation...