I wonder how many visitors to this site realise that there is more to it than the blog. Do you ever go to the sidebar?
You know, the sidebar:
It's just over there, on the right >>>>>>>
Unless you're on a phone, in which case it might be hidden under the three dots somewhere...
Anyhoo, I've just re-done the sidebar to add direct links for my associated activities - the podcasts and the Youtube channel. And if you care to explore the Ray Bradbury Books section (for example) you will, I hope, see that I've updated the banner on all pages. At least, I think I have. But I've probably missed some pages.
If you spot anything missing, banner-wise, do please let me know in a comment.
What's that? Superficial, you say? Yes, I'm afraid all I've done is added a lick of paint. But the underlying cracks remain, watching to be patched-up another day...
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