Saturday, August 08, 2020

Bradbury 100 - episode 3

The third episode of my podcast Bradbury 100 drops today. You can play it below, or search for it on your podcast app.

My guest is Sandy Petroshius, committee chair of the Ray Bradbury Experience Museum in Waukegan, Illinois. Waukegan, of course, is Bradbury's birthplace and childhood hometown, and the RBEM will be a celebration of Ray and an interactive exploration of his life and works.

I hope you enjoy the discussion. You can join by posting a comment below - I'll reply to comments and questions in later episodes of the series.

Sandy Petroshius with a favourite book.

Show Notes

Visit the Ray Bradbury Experience Museum online:

Explore the history of Waukegan with the Historical Society:

Read my blog post revealing the truth about Waukegan's criminal mastermind, The Lonely One!

And see the aerial photo of Waukegan alongside Ray Bradbury's sketch of Green Town:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well done! Thank you.